4. Export JSON format


Exported file is encoded in UTF-8 with BOM.

4.1. JSON definition

4.1.1. ExportFileSchemeVersion

Version of export schema

4.1.2. ConfigurationVersion

Version of project configuration in export file. It is increased when project configuration changes (e.g. when new tool is added, project name edited or dataset assigned).

4.1.3. AnnotationVersion

Version of annotations in export file. It is increased when annotations were changed (e.g. when new annotations were created).

4.1.4. SetVersion

Version of image sets in export file. It is increased when image sets were changed (e.g. when image was assigned to set).

4.1.5. ProjectName

Name of exported project

4.1.6. VersionGenerated

Date of generated export in UTC time zone (ISO 8601 format)

4.1.7. DataFilterType

Filter used for exporting annotations. Possible values:

  • Everything - project configuration (annotation tools, assigned datasets) and all annotations in “Waiting for approval” and “Finished” statuses are exported including not annotated images

  • Annotated - project configuration and all annotations in “Waiting for approval” and “Finished” statuses are exported

  • Accepted - project configuration and all annotations in “Finished” status are exported

  • Project configuration only - project configuration is exported

4.1.8. TotalAnnotationPoints

Sum of all exported annotations points

4.1.9. Tools

List of marking tools added to project with their definition Name

Name of marking tool Color

Color of marking tool in hex code Type

Type of marking tool. Possible values:

  • Point

  • Rectangle (for Bounding box type)

  • Polyline (for Line type)

  • Polygon

  • RotatedRectangle (for Oriented rectangle type)

  • Brush IsUsed

true when marking tool was used during annotation process Order

integer used for sorting marking tools

4.1.10. Questions Text

The content of the question AnswerType

Type of question. Possible values:

  • TrueFalse (for Yes/No type)

  • Alternative (for Radio type)

  • MultiSelect (for Checkbox type)

  • Text

  • StatusPassFail (for Pass/Fail type)

  • SetTrainTest (for Train/Test type)

  • Number PossibleAnswers

List of available answers. Empty for Text and Number questions. IsRequired

true when question must be answered during annotation process IsUsed

true when question was answered during annotation process Scopes

Image for questions. For attributes list of linked marking tools Order

integer used for sorting questions

4.1.11. DataSets

List of linked datasets DataSetName

Name of linked dataset Images

List of images in dataset ImageId

Internal image id in GUID format ImageName

Name of image ImageSize

integer Width and integer Height define the size of an image ImageURL

URL of image uploaded by CSV file or using /api/Images/addImageFromUrl API method Annotations

List of image annotations AnnotationsAuthor

Email of annotator AnnotationDuration

Duration of annotation in HH:mm:ss.fffffff format AnnotationDate

Date of creating annotation in UTC time zone (ISO 8601 format) ReviewStatus

Status of annotation. Possible values:

  • Accepted - for annotations accepted during review

  • ToReview - for annotations not yet reviewed

  • Rejected - for annotations rejected during review Reviewer

Email of reviewer ReviewDuration

Duration of review in HH:mm:ss.fffffff format ReviewDate

Date of annotation review in UTC time zone (ISO 8601 format) CorrectionDuration

Duration of correcting annotation in HH:mm:ss.fffffff format WasImageCorrected

true when annotation was corrected by another team member AnnotationPoints

Amount of points the annotation is worth Questions

List of questions. Each question contains:

  • Question - the content of the question

  • Answers - list of selected answers. Empty for Text and Number questions

  • Answer - answer entered by user (Text and Number type questions) Segmentation

List of marked objects. Each segmentation contains:

  • ClassName - name of used marking tool

  • Selection - object coordinates in WKT format. Upper left corner of the image has 0, 0 coordinates. Depending on tool type different geometry types are used:

    • Point - always represented in Point geometry type

    • Bounding Box - always represented in Polygon geometry type. First point is always upper left corner

    • Line - always represented in LineString geometry type. Order of point is the same as order of user clicks

    • Polygon - always represented in Polygon geometry type. Order of point is the same as order of user clicks

    • Oriented rectangle - always represented in Polygon geometry type. First and second points depends on highlighted corner of the object by small trapeze

    • Brush - represented in Polygon or MultiPolygon geometry type (depends on drawn shape)

  • Questions - list of answers to object attributes

4.2. Sample formatted JSON file

    "ExportFileSchemeVersion": "1.9",
    "ConfigurationVersion": 1,
    "AnnotationVersion": 1,
    "SetVersion": 1,
    "ProjectName": "Project 01",
    "VersionGenerated": "2020-10-12T10:54:00.1218868Z",
    "DataFilterType": "Everything",
    "TotalAnnotationPoints": 14.50,
    "Tools": [
            "Name": "Bounding Box",
            "Color": "#75ec90",
            "Type": "Rectangle",
            "IsUsed": true,
            "Order": 0
            "Name": "Point",
            "Color": "#53eccf",
            "Type": "Point",
            "IsUsed": false,
            "Order": 1
    "Questions": [
            "Text": "Set",
            "AnswerType": "SetTrainTest",
            "PossibleAnswers": [
            "IsRequired": false,
            "IsUsed": true,
            "Scopes": [
            "Order": 1
            "Text": "Colour of object",
            "AnswerType": "Alternative",
            "PossibleAnswers": [
            "IsRequired": false,
            "IsUsed": true,
            "Scopes": [
                "Bounding Box"
            "Order": 2
            "Text": "Is object damaged?",
            "AnswerType": "TrueFalse",
            "PossibleAnswers": [
            "IsRequired": false,
            "IsUsed": true,
            "Scopes": [
                "Bounding Box"
            "Order": 3
            "Text": "Damage description",
            "AnswerType": "Text",
            "PossibleAnswers": [],
            "IsRequired": false,
            "IsUsed": true,
            "Scopes": [
                "Bounding Box"
            "Order": 4
    "DataSets": [
            "DataSetName": "Dataset 02",
            "Images": [
                    "ImageId": "a30a556c-8ba1-44ca-b50e-8bb32d775549",
                    "ImageName": "A.jpg",
                    "ImageSize": {
                        "Width": 1024,
                        "Height": 768
                    "ImageURL": null,
                    "Set": "NotSet",
                    "Annotations": []
                    "ImageId": "690edcc9-0863-457d-a6cc-922e2a969a07",
                    "ImageName": "B.jpg",
                    "ImageSize": {
                        "Width": 1024,
                        "Height": 768
                    "ImageURL": null,
                    "Set": "Train",
                    "Annotations": []
                    "ImageId": "95b92180-b769-47ac-a52c-9aa4bb39b8e1",
                    "ImageName": "D.jpg",
                    "ImageSize": {
                        "Width": 1024,
                        "Height": 768
                    "ImageURL": null,
                    "Set": "Train",
                    "Annotations": []
                    "ImageId": "4469b173-8dfc-48e0-9916-c9cfd133b9a2",
                    "ImageName": "C.jpg",
                    "ImageSize": {
                        "Width": 1024,
                        "Height": 768
                    "ImageURL": null,
                    "Set": "Test",
                    "Annotations": []
            "DataSetName": "Dataset 01",
            "Images": [
                    "ImageId": "0ddfe314-4ba6-4737-8c7c-0cee2f024ec8",
                    "ImageName": "0009.jpg",
                    "ImageSize": {
                        "Width": 1024,
                        "Height": 768
                    "ImageURL": null,
                    "Set": "Train",
                    "Annotations": [
                            "AnnotationsAuthor": "annotator@test.com",
                            "AnnotationDuration": "00:00:24.5490000",
                            "AnnotationDate": "2020-10-12T10:51:47.0515741Z",
                            "ReviewStatus": "Accepted",
                            "Reviewer": "reviewer@test.com",
                            "ReviewDuration": "00:00:02.6530000",
                            "ReviewDate": "2020-10-12T10:53:45.8988427Z",
                            "CorrectionDuration": "00:00:00",
                            "WasImageCorrected": false,
                            "AnnotationPoints": 4.00,
                            "Questions": [
                                    "Question": "Set",
                                    "Answers": [
                            "Segmentation": [
                                    "ClassName": "Bounding Box",
                                    "Selection": "POLYGON((59.687823 39.281729,121.416254 39.281729,121.416254 89.78681,59.687823 89.78681,59.687823 39.281729))",
                                    "Questions": [
                                            "Question": "Colour of object",
                                            "Answers": [
                                            "Question": "Is object damaged?",
                                            "Answers": [
                                            "Question": "Damage description"
                    "ImageId": "9fe9a70c-5f59-4f93-b89e-3458e1bebeda",
                    "ImageName": "0004.jpg",
                    "ImageSize": {
                        "Width": 1024,
                        "Height": 768
                    "ImageURL": null,
                    "Set": "Train",
                    "Annotations": [
                            "AnnotationsAuthor": "annotator@test.com",
                            "AnnotationDuration": "00:00:53.6710000",
                            "AnnotationDate": "2020-10-12T10:52:40.7773278Z",
                            "ReviewStatus": "ToReview",
                            "Reviewer": null,
                            "ReviewDuration": "00:00:00",
                            "ReviewDate": null,
                            "CorrectionDuration": "00:00:00",
                            "WasImageCorrected": false,
                            "AnnotationPoints": 10.50,
                            "Questions": [
                                    "Question": "Set",
                                    "Answers": [
                            "Segmentation": [
                                    "ClassName": "Bounding Box",
                                    "Selection": "POLYGON((391.015711 65.764051,494.504876 65.764051,494.504876 153.95925,391.015711 153.95925,391.015711 65.764051))",
                                    "Questions": [
                                            "Question": "Colour of object",
                                            "Answers": [
                                            "Question": "Is object damaged?",
                                            "Answers": [
                                            "Question": "Damage description",
                                            "Answer": "discoloration"
                    "ImageId": "35c46c9a-01fa-4c27-bac5-554513b35934",
                    "ImageName": "0005.jpg",
                    "ImageSize": {
                        "Width": 1024,
                        "Height": 768
                    "ImageURL": null,
                    "Set": "NotSet",
                    "Annotations": []
                    "ImageId": "5e18238d-f4bf-454a-ab73-5764490e6efc",
                    "ImageName": "0007.jpg",
                    "ImageSize": {
                        "Width": 1024,
                        "Height": 768
                    "ImageURL": null,
                    "Set": "NotSet",
                    "Annotations": []
                    "ImageId": "b2de124f-2a66-4c6e-aaaf-5adfe119e7c7",
                    "ImageName": "0003.jpg",
                    "ImageSize": {
                        "Width": 1024,
                        "Height": 768
                    "ImageURL": null,
                    "Set": "NotSet",
                    "Annotations": []
                    "ImageId": "91f0af5f-fbcf-4314-8298-9a5ed09600f6",
                    "ImageName": "0008.jpg",
                    "ImageSize": {
                        "Width": 1024,
                        "Height": 768
                    "ImageURL": null,
                    "Set": "NotSet",
                    "Annotations": []
                    "ImageId": "06836fce-0f98-4560-b1d2-badf2cc5a6a8",
                    "ImageName": "0001.jpg",
                    "ImageSize": {
                        "Width": 1024,
                        "Height": 768
                    "ImageURL": null,
                    "Set": "NotSet",
                    "Annotations": []
                    "ImageId": "9309f906-6b1b-4769-ad67-c1684f65ddee",
                    "ImageName": "0002.jpg",
                    "ImageSize": {
                        "Width": 1024,
                        "Height": 768
                    "ImageURL": null,
                    "Set": "NotSet",
                    "Annotations": []
                    "ImageId": "f9a7f68c-13bf-49e9-b0b2-f94e27abaf8d",
                    "ImageName": "0006.jpg",
                    "ImageSize": {
                        "Width": 1024,
                        "Height": 768
                    "ImageURL": null,
                    "Set": "NotSet",
                    "Annotations": []